Dear Reader,
Thanks for checking out my little corner of the blogosphere! I feel horribly presumptuous in assuming that my little thoughts could be of interest to anyone, and yet if you've come this far, you've already proven me wrong. I hope I have managed to amuse, inform, delight, inspire, and/or entertain you, or in some other way enrich your life in exchange for the time you have given me here.
This is not a personal journal. I've got one of those too, several volumes actually, and if you poke your nose into that I might have to hurt you. But then, you couldn't care less about my personal life, right? You don't want to see my dirty laundry any more than I want to hold it up to your inspection. The category called "Moments of Truth" does contain autobiographical anecdotes and reflections, but I don't post anything here that I don't believe can stand up as a literary creation on its own merits, regardless of the reader's interest in me as an individual.
Everything I state here that isn't factually verifiable is my personal opinion. This should be obvious, but I've found that there are far too many people in this world who don't recognize an opinion when they hear one or, more unfortunately, speak one. I may venture into controversial topics sometimes. Readers may disagree with what I have to say. This is fine. If there weren't more than one way of looking at a particular issue, what would be the point of my speaking my piece on the matter? I suppose I could stick to well-worn and non-polemical topics such as the reflexive property of equality, but that would be dull for me and even duller for my readers. Instead, I have chosen to speak my heart and make you think. Please respect my respect for the intelligence of my readers, and know that I am making no claims to having all the answers to the tough questions in life. If you disagree with something I've written, by all means post a comment and share your thoughts! I'm always eager for new perspectives and insights. But this isn't a place for ad hominem attacks, and if you can't extend to me the same civility that I extend to you, you're not worthy of my time, no matter what you have to say. Remember, anyone can hurl invective. To be honest without becoming offensive requires dignity, maturity, and intelligence.
Nothing makes a writer happier than knowing what sort of impact her work has had on others. I am always thrilled when someone comments on one of my posts. I'd love to hear your thoughts! I am also a perfectionist who appreciates constructive criticism. If you find a factual or typographical or any other kind of error (including a broken or misdirected link) in any of my posts, please let me know so I can fix it!
I reserve the right to modify posts at any time for the sake of clarity, accuracy, and le mot juste.
Please keep in mind - I worked hard on this stuff. I'd be tickled pink if you forwarded one of my posts to a friend or posted a link to my blog on your own web page. But please do not use any of my material without citing or crediting the source, and please do not repost any of my material or reproduce it to distribute offline without permission. If you do quote from my work, do not make any changes that alter the meaning of the text. Adding your own clarifications and/or observations in brackets is acceptable. Theft of my intellectual property will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Plagiarists will be persecuted to the full extent the law allows.
Thank you for reading. Please enjoy your adventure into one woman's wide-eyed, bemused experience in this ever-expanding universe.