With apologies to Theo Geisel. Though, knowing how he felt about Hitler, I'm not sure he would mind.
I am Stan,
Doctor Stan.
Would you like to kill this man?
I would not like to,
Doctor Stan.
I do not want to kill this man.
Will you shock him
'til he's dead?
Will you shoot him
in the head?
I will not shock him 'til he's dead.
I will not shoot him in the head.
I do not want to kill this man.
I will not kill him, Doctor Stan.
Will you stab him
with a knife?
Gas his children,
rape his wife?
I will not stab him with a knife,
Nor gas his kids, nor rape his wife.
I will not shock him 'til he's dead.
I will not shoot him in the head.
I do not want to kill this man.
I will not kill him, Doctor Stan.
Will you hang him from a tree,
by the neck for all to see?
Will you make him dig a pit,
and bury him alive in it?
I will not hang him from a tree
by the neck for all to see!
I will not make him dig a pit
and bury him alive in it!
I will not stab him with a knife!
Nor gas his kids! Nor rape his wife!
I will not shock him 'til he's dead!
I will not shoot him in the head!
I do not want to kill this man!
I will not kill him, Doctor Stan!
Now settle down! Don't have a fit!
Why must you be so obstinate?
Who do you think yourself to be,
to speak in such a way to ME?
You hesitate to kill this man?
You must not understand the plan.
One such as you can't comprehend
the higher things that I intend!
Be silent! Do not stay your hand!
Give in and do as I demand!
In my position you can trust,
And I say kill him! Yes! You must!
I cannot keep from shuddering.
I do not want to do this thing.
I have no choice but to obey.
So I will kill him, as you say.
Say! That wasn't bad by half.
In fact, it almost made me laugh.
I did just as you said I should,
and somehow it felt awfully good.
Have you another I must kill?
I'll do it gladly, yes I will!
I'd love to shock him 'til he's dead!
Please let me shoot him in the head!
What fun, to stab him with a knife,
and gas his kids, and rape his wife!
Let's gather folks around to see:
I'm going to hang him from a tree!
How droll, to make him dig a pit
and bury him alive in it!
To start, I'll spit into his face.
Then I'll exterminate his race!
I'll hunt them down until I'm done,
and won't it be such jolly fun?
I'm glad you made me kill that man.
Thank you,
thank you, Doctor Stan!
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